Monday, February 05, 2007

off with their heads

i discovered a fantastical new book that i couldn't put down this weekend, in fact i stayed up till 2am finish it. the book is titled the looking glass wars. it is the true story of alice in wonderland... or should i say alyss princess of wonderland. there was something about the book that just kept me turning the pages, sure it's meant for the 10+ crowd (which technically i am a part of), but it has that sort of harry potter-esqueness to it i suppose. the book is the first in the trilogy and i am thouroughly looking forward to book 2. i have read some online reveiews disliking the book becuase of how it references the original (as an incorrect account of what really happened) all i can say is get over it. the original still remains, this is just a story built on top of it and the book's reference to the reinterpreted accounts of alyss' tales make it that much better.

i think of this book as wicked is to oz. a new way to look at the story and i quite enjoyed it. it was a fun book... and i'm not a reader so anything that gets me to read must be fun!

you can check out more info about it at the official website:

go go into the looking glass banana