Saturday, May 28, 2005

go banana v. gogobanana

so friday i went into work at 10:30... just a couple hours from when i'm supposed to be at work. meh.

luckily i work in a place where i can go in late like that every now and then. plus, friday is a half day and we leave at one, though i was there till 8 because i had to get some stuff done. i didn't mind it though, i can get twice as much done w/o people there to bug me and ask for things.

so unfortunately for you nothing really exciting happened for me to share, but i have thought of another topic to discuss:

so i'm sure all the 1 of 2's of people who read this are dying to know why the blog it titled go banana, but you have to go to well, gobanana.blogspot is taken. i pondered over what to do because of that. i was even going to change the name, but couldn't think of something i liked more. and although gogobanana bugs me what irks me even more is the fact that the person who has gobanana hasn't posted on since 2002, 2002! wtf? at some point shouldn't it be put back into the pool? i'm sure i could have written to blogspot and asked about this, but that requires effort and i'd have to wait for a reply and would not have been able to share the amazing and riveting stories with y'all. so now you can rest easier knowing the truth behind gobanana v gogobanana.

and now it is time for me to head back to work to try and get ahead of the game... yes, feel sorry for me. but i love what i do, even though the hatred for my boss burns w/ the power of a thousand suns.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

aim low, very low

so as you may remember i posted a challenge for myself yesterday... to get to work on time since i had an 8 am meeting... yeah not so much, ooops!

my alarm went off at 6:45am and as usual i pushed snooze, alarm again, snooze again. at some point i just shut it off. next thing i know i look at the clock and it says 7:59, so i have a minute to shower, get ready and get to work, stop by my cubicle and grab the things i need and get to the room where the meeting is being held, f*ck w/a capital f (though i never write in capitals so in this case a lower case f, which is just as bad as a capital, if not worse). i proceed to run and turn on the shower as well as check the other clocks in the apartment to assure myself that yes, indeed i am screwed, and to my dismay they answer w/ 8:00 on their faces, mocking me, clocks are bastards.

i proceed to shower at the speed of light, still groggy and not quite completely clear as to what is going on. a 2 minute shower, that must be some sort of record, right? then a 30 second dry-off, which by the way, i do not recommend, friction was not my friend today. i brush my teeth and grab an outfit along w/ shoes, ever the multi-tasker. this is where the one good thing comes in, in my two-minute shower i decided upon a monochromatic look today (also in part because i read that ml was doing it on her blog, and if the cool kids do it...) so i was goiong to wear all black, someting that which i have not done before. this however is not the good part, enter the shoes (again i was influenced by a blog, peer pressure - i just cave, as y (between naps on the right) had talked of a pair of shoes she bought but doesn't have much to wear them with, i wore those shoes today as they are black w/ two white stripes, though mine don't cause me pain when i wear them. so now even though i will be late, at least i'll be stylish! out of the door at 8:20 (i know pretty good huh?) and to work by 8:40, though i would have been there quicker had i not hit every single red light on the way, of course. (i don't have to get onto the freeway to go to work, haha. not that it causes me to ever be to work on time, that's right i can hear you haha me, i deserve it)

while in the car i call ahead to see what's happening, see the meeting starts at 8, but several groups have to go through their items before getting to mine, so far i think i'm okay. i get kq to take my stuff down to the room so that i can head straight there (genius, i know, thanks kq, without you my plan never would have worked). so i park my car and run to the meeting room. luckily people are coming in and out all through the meeting so it won't look odd that i am entering. also of luck is that the room has a tiny little hallway w/ a table, i drop my bag and jacket off here (people can see me, but not the important ones!) and proceed forward and stand in the back to see where the meeting is at. i stand there for about thirty seconds and boom i'm on... i kick ass (of course) and no one is the wiser.

so while i may have technically failed at my challenge, in reality i sorta did even better since i surprised even myself w/ my speed and resourcefullness to cover my ass and come off as being completely on top of things. go me.

the rest of the day blandly marched on, though today was ka's moving day to a different department, things just won't be the same w/o her. we miss you already, though i'm sure you'll be much happier in your new locale ;) and we are holding you to those thursday lunches! and don't worry we'll caw caw by soon.

in other news i went in search for fantastic four movie figures with no such luck (in the previous post we've already established i'm sad, i'm just continuing to prove the point). i did however buy 3 cd's: fannypack: their 2nd cd titled, see you next tuesday. i love them, ridiculous and fun! elkland, who i had never heard of, but they were at the listening station and i quite enjoyed what i heard and last and certainly most embarrassing is: jim verraros, that's right the same jv that was on american idol. his cd is actually pretty good, i was pleasantly surprised. however the largest part of the "yes" to purchasing his cd: someone had a makeover, had he looked like that on idol, i would have voted for him.

i also went over my alotted points for the day... i'm allowed a bad day (and i still hadn't used my flexpoints, so i'm still good.), i just couldn't resist the donettes at the office and a candy bar at toys r us... again, already gone over this.

and that concludes today's post: go banana, go!

oh and calling the gym, yeah didn't happen.

and my goal for tomorrow: just make it to work at some point. the more general i am the more likely i am to succeed!

me *heart* tv

so it was a big dilema to choose between the american idol finale (aif) and lost (um... lost) and aif won. i did my best to switch between the two, but i ended up only switching once to lost only to see some big fire and hear a baby cry. oh well, it was well worth it to see carrie win. i voted for her (264 times to be exact, some say sad, i say persistant, she won didn't she?) and had my fingers crossed the entire time. and when i say entire time, i mean i peeked online an hour before the results, but continued to watch anyway for the fear that what i had read was a lie. again, sad, but persistant. i know there is love out there for bo, but i just didn't like him. i had wanted vonzelle in the top 2, but at least i got one. i totally don't like country either, but will without a doubt be in line to buy her cd the day it comes out (sad, but persistant). i really hope that her single has her singing the heart song alone, damn that was awsome, i got chills. the girls got pipes. plus i also quite enjoyed the spoof they did about the whole paula abdul scandal amazingly it was actually funny.

up next was alias i've missed a lot of the season, but am still hooked. the finale was a bit too resident evil, but still quite good. didn't see that last part coming, though i probably should have huh?

then of course i watched friends at 11 and will & grace at 11:30 (great episode w/ sandra berhhardt. i gotsta to go, i gotsta to go! love it!

i feel a bit lost w/o my veronica on, my weeks just aren't the same, i love her so... veronica is my b.f.f. it is an amazing show, i can't wait for the re-runs! and it better be on dvd soon... i see a veronica viewing party in the future! with lots of food... all w/ points labeled as i (and my co-workers) are on weight watcher's and i am determined to be "hot"... sad, but persistant! just as sad was my excitement when i learned i could eat 2 breakfast lean pockets for 6 points! granted one is half the size of a regular hot pocket, but that means that one is only 3 points, score!

i think i'll try to set goals for myself and see how quickly i fail at them, but at least i'll be persitant and then sad... though i don't think it's any better.

tomorrow i need to get up and to work on time since i have a 8am meeting (yes, i know you're thinking 'how hard can that be', just wait you'll find out soon enough (that is of course under my assumption that anyone other than myslef reads this, which is sad, but... no it's just sad this time) as you can tell by the time this blog is posted at i'm off to a great start!

and let's overachieve for the first goal, i'll go to my company's gym and sign up! that is if i can remember... as i'll be tired (from having to get up so early for my meeting to accomplish part a. of this goal) and lazy (again, since i had to get up so early) and not want to walk all the way over there, well take the shuttle over to the main building, but there is walking involved, hey i'm tired from having to get up so early!

i've been craving cheese lately... and on that random note...

go banana. go.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


so um, this is my first post and i seem to feel a great deal of pressure for it to be not only insightful (laughs at self) but entertaining as well. i suppose i could start with how i came to this blog's name: go banana.

in part, it is due to the gwen stefani song, you know the one: "the uh-oh (yes, uh-oh, as heard on the radio) is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s (you have no idea how long it took me to get that right... it's sad really) which got banana in to my head, though banana is in my head a lot... that sounds wrong, hmm, however i am leaving it even though it does indeed sound very wrong, yes banana in my head, a lot. i like it. (again wrong). but a large part is also owed to ralph wiggum on the simpson's... and his encouraging words as the fruits race on the bus (which causes them to be stranded on an island which leads to another great line: "i'm so hungry i could eat at arby's") "go banana" as the banana just sits there, but you can tell he's hoping it'll win.

of course, there wouldn't be a blog w/o ml's blog follow the frog (link on the right), which i have ka to thank for introducing me to it!

and that is the long and drawn out story i suppose, if someone reads this, please don't judge me solely on this one post, though i would probably judge you on yours.

so go banana, go.