Thursday, May 26, 2005

me *heart* tv

so it was a big dilema to choose between the american idol finale (aif) and lost (um... lost) and aif won. i did my best to switch between the two, but i ended up only switching once to lost only to see some big fire and hear a baby cry. oh well, it was well worth it to see carrie win. i voted for her (264 times to be exact, some say sad, i say persistant, she won didn't she?) and had my fingers crossed the entire time. and when i say entire time, i mean i peeked online an hour before the results, but continued to watch anyway for the fear that what i had read was a lie. again, sad, but persistant. i know there is love out there for bo, but i just didn't like him. i had wanted vonzelle in the top 2, but at least i got one. i totally don't like country either, but will without a doubt be in line to buy her cd the day it comes out (sad, but persistant). i really hope that her single has her singing the heart song alone, damn that was awsome, i got chills. the girls got pipes. plus i also quite enjoyed the spoof they did about the whole paula abdul scandal amazingly it was actually funny.

up next was alias i've missed a lot of the season, but am still hooked. the finale was a bit too resident evil, but still quite good. didn't see that last part coming, though i probably should have huh?

then of course i watched friends at 11 and will & grace at 11:30 (great episode w/ sandra berhhardt. i gotsta to go, i gotsta to go! love it!

i feel a bit lost w/o my veronica on, my weeks just aren't the same, i love her so... veronica is my b.f.f. it is an amazing show, i can't wait for the re-runs! and it better be on dvd soon... i see a veronica viewing party in the future! with lots of food... all w/ points labeled as i (and my co-workers) are on weight watcher's and i am determined to be "hot"... sad, but persistant! just as sad was my excitement when i learned i could eat 2 breakfast lean pockets for 6 points! granted one is half the size of a regular hot pocket, but that means that one is only 3 points, score!

i think i'll try to set goals for myself and see how quickly i fail at them, but at least i'll be persitant and then sad... though i don't think it's any better.

tomorrow i need to get up and to work on time since i have a 8am meeting (yes, i know you're thinking 'how hard can that be', just wait you'll find out soon enough (that is of course under my assumption that anyone other than myslef reads this, which is sad, but... no it's just sad this time) as you can tell by the time this blog is posted at i'm off to a great start!

and let's overachieve for the first goal, i'll go to my company's gym and sign up! that is if i can remember... as i'll be tired (from having to get up so early for my meeting to accomplish part a. of this goal) and lazy (again, since i had to get up so early) and not want to walk all the way over there, well take the shuttle over to the main building, but there is walking involved, hey i'm tired from having to get up so early!

i've been craving cheese lately... and on that random note...

go banana. go.


Follow the Frog said...

Hey Vitamin G! Welcome to the blog world. KA forwarded the link. I love that Gwen Stefani song too! It's ALWAYS in my head lately!

Thanks for having a link to the frog. I'll link yours on my site soon too!!! : )

LOST, btw, was SUPER good. Do you want me to tell you what happened?

vitamin g said...

yes! please! kq only caught bits and pieces of it so i kn ow a few things, but not the full story!

does happy dance in cube... awaits weird looks from co-workers.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I told you the part about Walt! That's the only part that really was good in my opinion. BTW, didn't see the happy dance in your cube (happy dance, happy dance). :) -KQ

vitamin g said...

well i was doing the dance in my chair as to bot attract too much attention, next time i'll call you over to bear witness to the spectacle :)

and you said yourself you didn't see all of it, as w/ embarassing medical conditions, i am seeking a second opinion :P