i broke up with my boyfriend/partner of almost 6 years and now we are in the awkward stage of living together while trying to find a new place (though this is my first time in this experience since this is my first relationship, first boyfriend for that matter). it's scary too. luckily i have great friends to keep me busy so i spend as little time at home as possible. (thanks kq, jr and sw!) i am pretty sure i found a place to live, i'll be moving downtown into jr's building, it'll be two girls living in the city! the apartment is a great size and really reasonably priced, it'll be more of a commute, but i'll be on my own!
another change for the better is the weight i've lost. once upon a time i used to weigh 210 lbs. wear size 38 jeans and x-large shirts. here is a snapshot in that time in my life:

i know, how did i have friends (thank you to those who befriended me)
and with lots of hard work and determination i have changed a lot over the years. i was able to get down to 180 lbs and stay there for quite some time. then with the help of kq i was able to get to the weight i am today 155 lbs. size 30 jeans and small shirt! (though i'm still working, i am quite proud of how far i've come and am now searching for compliments, hee hee) plus, i don't think any of my current friends have ever seen my way before picture. i may have lost my hair along the way, but it was worth it! so here is what i look like now in a lame shot of myself, i was trying to look cool and aloof. (you try taking a picture of yourself and not looking like a doof):

so let the compliments shower in.
i also owe a song: 24 hours by alexz johnson (who plays jude harrison on the n's instant star) it's a great show and song!