and i have a pic to share w/ everyone, here is a group shot of the night out at kathy griffin for vitamin g and vita twin's b-day. and you can see both mb and pdp in this shot! so from l to r it's
jp, mn, sven, ss (in the glasses), jr, vita twin, mb, vitamin, ms, quanton (down in front) pdp and jd.

and in other news, i have the most unattractive people winking/emailing me on match. and the ones i find attractive/funny will look at my profile after i email them, but i never hear anything. wtf. seriously why does this have to be so hard? it's not fair, where am i supposed to go to meet guys, weho, i know, but it's weird there trying to meet guys most of them are just lookinng to hook up. you straight girls have it easy. at least you can go up to guys in a bar and if he turns out to be gay, no big thing... i do that and i could risk getting my ass kicked. i've even resorted to myspace and i can't get a guy to respond... it's like i'm trying to sell them explosive diarrhea. just when you start to feel attractive then this shit happens and you feel like the person you used to to be, all insecure and unsure of yourself and i totally hate that. but i'm using it as fuel to get myself to the gym so i don't become that person again. unfortunately we gays may be fun, but we are really shallow and judgemental (yet another reason to love us!) and if i want a good looking guy i'm going to have to get the body of a greek god! haha, it's funny cause it's true.
go go gym-bound banana
G, it can be tough sometimes. And boys can be dumb (not you of course, just the ones we want to date). But you are a fantastic person with much to offer, in all areas. So, just think positively and keep chugging along.
i'll be the little engine that could... though i am little in no ways, HAHA!
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