so, while i'm being sent hate comments...kq... it was a book that made me think i need to get back to blogging. for those of you who haven't heard of mortified, you must pick it up. it contains journal/diary entries from peoples youths w/commentary on some of the writing. it is fracking (ml, is it ck or just k?) hilarious, i was laughing so hard i cried. i highly recommend it, go out and get yourself a copy today! but back to why it made me think of this... i was thinking how fun it would be to look back on this and laugh at the stupid things i wrote and see if i could remember the code words and the inside jokes and if they still bring a smile to my face... so i'll let you know in 20 years!
let's see... let's get you caught up in the life of g... m and i celebrated our year anniversary, yay! and we are on our way to our year and a half anniversary, woo! ummm work is work, though i did come up with a product idea and it looks like it'll get made and i can head up the design of it!!! so i'll keep you posted. i had a bit of a health scare that turned out to be nothing. i got a pain in my chest at work and it freaked me out so i got taken to the hospital, i got to ride in an ambulance, which was fun and now i can say i did it! but it turns out it was either severe heart burn or muscle rubbing against my rib cage... ewww i know gross! but it made me feel better that i went. they did blood tests, took x-rays of my lungs (to make sure one wasn't punctured or anything) and i was hooked up to a heart monitor for like 2 hours and everything came back fine. they explained the pain could come back and such. they were very nice and i feel much better. i do think it's hearburn/indegestion/gas (hotness!!) as the little pain i get now comes a bit after i eat, but with each day it's less and less and i am just watching what i eat... which i need to do anyway since i have become such a fat ass... so much for getting in shape. but i really do wanna jump back on that bandwagon. i felt so much better when i was working out. and this friday i am going to see mandy moore! i heart her! and of course on saturday i'm off to ka's beach bash woot!
and that's it in a nutshell... though i'm sure i'll remember other things but i'll fill you in along the way :)
go go back to blogging banana!
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YAY! You're back. And congrats on the 1 year anniversary! That's wonderful. And you're very welcome about the Twitter addiction. It's fun huh? And it's a much easier way to update your blog more regularly.
Congrats on the 1 year anniversary!
So glad to see you're back to blogging G!! You've been missed. =) Thanks for your message re the engagement. We're both really excited. I hoping to have you, M, KA, CS (and maybe KQ whenever she comes for a visit) over to our new place when things settle down a bit =)!
haha. did you read the one with the woman who wrote pornnovels when she was twelve or something? it was so hilarious i almost forgot to laugh.. ALMOST. ah well.
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