Wednesday, July 20, 2005

crap it all to hell

why is it that when i finally get to have a life and plans to hang out w/ people everyone plans for it on the same day?


so i have to un-rsvp to ml's b-day bash (i really don't want to, honest!) because i totally forgot that i have a wedding to go chino (can you sense the sheer overwhelming ethusiam?). it's for a friend from college and i told her months ago i'd be there, damn it! so i'm sorry ml, i'll buy you a prezzy to make up for it!

i am never going to get to meet my blogger buds. so i am actually taking the initiative and pick a date for everyone to get together for dinner so we can discuss our blogs. does this sound fun to everyone? which leads me to ask... so when is everyone free? or is it better i just pick a day and hope for the best?

hope we can all get together soon!

bloggers, unite!

go banana mate (now i'm australian!)


Y. said...

Yay!! Get together! Way to take the initiative G. The weekdays are bad for me, but as I have no life, weekends are usually fine. =)

kq said...

Weekends are fine with me. Preferably sometime in August or September. Still figuring out when I'm going to move. Now I'm wavering towards saving money and living with SW for a month...

Follow the Frog said...

I'm sad G! But understand. Turning older is dumb anyway. It would be more fun to meet at a time when we're not celebrating my aging. ; )

Weekends are fine but most Friday nights are full. I'm out of town the weekend of the 13th and 27th.

kq said...

Twoshoes, you are hilarious! G, when are you going to post again? I'll hound you at work tomorrow. Seriously, you're going to start losing your fan base soon!