so the club was a blast! of course, it was a sugababes theme night for the release of the single red dress. it is huge and has a great layout, they play the music videos on these huge screens (totally wanna go back), plus no one robbed me! yay! thankfully jp agreed to go w/ me and her friend c from san diego (sdc) came along too. we get there and pdp is already there w/ one of his lady friends. we get somethign to drink and talk w/ them for a while. then it's time to hit the dance floor. we follow pdp and his friend down, but we get lost from them, but i was like whatever. so i danced w/ jp and sdc and while i was hoping to end up dancing w/ some guy i ended up beating the guys off of jp and sdc w/ a stick. and yes, this is a homo club, but the breeder boys were out in full force. all of the suddin pdp pops up and is dancing by me so i try to stealthly dance w/ him and he just moves away... then moves back and i try again and he moves away... and eventually we get separated by the crown. then we go upstairs and outside for some air/water. we go back in and find pdp and his friend upstairs and talk some more. then i go down to dance w/ pdp and his friend and pdp is pretty trashed at this point so i just kinda danced w/ his friend while did his own thing. pdp leaves and jp and sdc come down and we dance for a while, give the cute go go dancer some money (he was sooo hot) and then head home for the night. so, i didn't meet anyone and still have no idea about pdp (jp couldn't tell either, cause at times it seemed like he was flirting, she was confused as well). but overall it was a really good night, it was nice to go out. yes, i need to work on talking to strangers at a club, i've just never done it before and i'm not quite sure what to do. it's a lot easier to just email someone and not hear from them than to be rejected in public!
so all in all a good night. this weekend was pretty good as well! finally i was able to clean my apartment, it's so nice to have a clean place again!
and in boy news, not to jinx it or anything i have been talking to this other guy from match, so we'll see how that goes!
go go busy banana
Monday, March 27, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
push the button
i talked w/ my co-worker jp this morn and she was looking for something to do while her friend is in town so i'm totally going. i'm going to "push the button" for life, if you will (push the button is a sugababes song for those who don't know) ml also made an excellent point, i do need to say YES to life. i have nothing to lose by going. so what if he didn't invite me for the reasons i want, i could meet someone tonight! or not, but it doesn't matter, i know i'll have fun w/jp and her friend either way.
ml i totally feel like i'm in that episode of friends where rachel lets monica make all of her decisions, haha. so what should i wear tonight :). thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
go go get your groove on banana!
ml i totally feel like i'm in that episode of friends where rachel lets monica make all of her decisions, haha. so what should i wear tonight :). thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
go go get your groove on banana!
oooo fancy!
check out my new favorite songs list over to the right, fancy no?
it's from this really cool site that takes musicians and song you like and finds more music like it. it's quite fun. of course it takes it a little while to get the hang of it, but the more musicians and songs you put in the better it gets. i'm already making a list of new cds i want! so now you'll be able to see what music i'm enjoying (cause i know it's been such a concern of all of yours) and even listen to a sample (when you click on the artist or go to see my entire list). there's some good stuff there, check it out!
ok more pdp news. i talked to him online last night. after he had emailed in response to emailing out the pandora site above to people. in his email he mentioned that a club in weho is doing a sugababes (love them!) night tonight. and i can't tell if he was just informing me since he knows i like them or if he wanted me to show up because he's going to be there. i tried to get that from him, but couldn't tell. so the real question is do i go to tonight or not? part of me wants to go, but i'll feel really lame going by myself. the other part of me is like don't go you'll just set yourself up for something bad (what i don't know). that and i have a really early morning tomorrow (in fact i should really be working instead of writing about this, hmmm priorities, haha) for work and we all know i can barely make it in on time as in and i need to be here at least 20 min earlier tomorrow.
go go in a pickle banana
p.s. finally, on american idol chiken little was sent home. he should have gone home last week because melissa mcgee should still be there.
it's from this really cool site that takes musicians and song you like and finds more music like it. it's quite fun. of course it takes it a little while to get the hang of it, but the more musicians and songs you put in the better it gets. i'm already making a list of new cds i want! so now you'll be able to see what music i'm enjoying (cause i know it's been such a concern of all of yours) and even listen to a sample (when you click on the artist or go to see my entire list). there's some good stuff there, check it out!
ok more pdp news. i talked to him online last night. after he had emailed in response to emailing out the pandora site above to people. in his email he mentioned that a club in weho is doing a sugababes (love them!) night tonight. and i can't tell if he was just informing me since he knows i like them or if he wanted me to show up because he's going to be there. i tried to get that from him, but couldn't tell. so the real question is do i go to tonight or not? part of me wants to go, but i'll feel really lame going by myself. the other part of me is like don't go you'll just set yourself up for something bad (what i don't know). that and i have a really early morning tomorrow (in fact i should really be working instead of writing about this, hmmm priorities, haha) for work and we all know i can barely make it in on time as in and i need to be here at least 20 min earlier tomorrow.
go go in a pickle banana
p.s. finally, on american idol chiken little was sent home. he should have gone home last week because melissa mcgee should still be there.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
homo hoodlims
yes, so this weekend was not the great weekend i was hoping iot to be. ok fine, the date turned out to lead no where, no big thing. sat morn and afternoon were good, pilates and then lunch w/ mb and the evening started out well enough at the abbey we had drinks, we laughed. mb was there, said hi. made a new friend, we'll call her armani j, since she works at the armani on 3rd street. on our way to rage i even saw ck (the date from friday) and we said hi as well. it was all downhill after that. in part it is my fault, i had too much to drink, but i didn't expect one of my own people to steal my wallet and my phone. just when you think the world isn't such a bad place, you get smacked right upside the head. and of course there were lots of other things that happend that night that i don't remember, luckily vita twin and sven were looking after me to make sure i didn't do anything too crazy (because seriously i almost did some stupid shit). they also helped me home as i really wasn't in the greatest condition, not a proud night for me and we'll see if i ever drink again. so of course i made a few offerings to the porcelain god, but to top it off i got food poisoning so i couldn't even keep water down the next day... ugh. i canceled my atm card and credit card, had my phone shut off and ordered replacement cards so i could actually have money at some point (the asswipe got about 50 bucks as well). and just today i went and filled out all the stuff to get a new license which will now be here in 2-8 weeks (that's kinda a big gap don't you think). got a new cell phone and luckily i had written down all my phone numbers a couple weeks ago, phew! and now i need to go fill out a police report about my stolen license, it's just such a hassle while this person isn't worrying about anything. life lesson, don't be so trustfull of others. that and i hate myself for being as stupid as i was to drink that much. i am very disappointed in the banana. and in other ways it's good that i'e had this lesson so i am twice as careful from now on, just sucks that i had to go through it.
in other less depressing news (sorry for the downer, but life isn't all fun): pdp and i haven't spoken in about 2 weeks, but i just got an invite to his b-day party. i rsvp'd, but i really don't want to go to it alone because i need someone there to keep me in check around him. because for like the 3rd night in a row i've had a dream about him. let's just say it's a very enjoyable dream that's only making me set myself up for disaster. why is it that some people just get stuck in your head and won't get out? it would be fine if there was something going on between us, but there isn't so it's torture.
and of course my place is a mess and i get home and i just can't deal with it, gah. luckily tonight is tito's taco night along w/ the amazing race! woo! at least there's still tv (i love you tv).
go go welcomed to the real world banana
in other less depressing news (sorry for the downer, but life isn't all fun): pdp and i haven't spoken in about 2 weeks, but i just got an invite to his b-day party. i rsvp'd, but i really don't want to go to it alone because i need someone there to keep me in check around him. because for like the 3rd night in a row i've had a dream about him. let's just say it's a very enjoyable dream that's only making me set myself up for disaster. why is it that some people just get stuck in your head and won't get out? it would be fine if there was something going on between us, but there isn't so it's torture.
and of course my place is a mess and i get home and i just can't deal with it, gah. luckily tonight is tito's taco night along w/ the amazing race! woo! at least there's still tv (i love you tv).
go go welcomed to the real world banana
Saturday, March 18, 2006
i'm such a great guy, but...
ahh, it's the line i'm doomed to hear after every date i go on apparently.
so it's "just friends" for me and the guy from friday, whatever, like i'll ever hear from him again. oh well, such is life. vita twin sven and i are celebrating st. patty's tonight so i'll be getting my drink on and all my worries will just disappear, haha!
i do want to wish the best of luck to y in her marathon tomorrow, pump those crazy legs!
go go buzzed banana.
so it's "just friends" for me and the guy from friday, whatever, like i'll ever hear from him again. oh well, such is life. vita twin sven and i are celebrating st. patty's tonight so i'll be getting my drink on and all my worries will just disappear, haha!
i do want to wish the best of luck to y in her marathon tomorrow, pump those crazy legs!
go go buzzed banana.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
green w/ envy
i have a date for st. patty's day!
that's all just wanted to share, and gloat, and rub it in just a little, haha!
go go back in the game banana
that's all just wanted to share, and gloat, and rub it in just a little, haha!
go go back in the game banana
Monday, March 13, 2006
homo says what?
an interesting article i thought i'd share:
on the study of homosexuality:
go go (only had a 2% chance of being gay, phew i lucked out didn't i!) banana
on the study of homosexuality:
go go (only had a 2% chance of being gay, phew i lucked out didn't i!) banana
Sunday, March 12, 2006
pitty parties over, get the hell out.
people, we have a taker, i got a reply!
i knew all it would take is me being completely over dramatic about the whole situation, haha take that relationship gods, i win! boo ya!
go go happy banana!
i knew all it would take is me being completely over dramatic about the whole situation, haha take that relationship gods, i win! boo ya!
go go happy banana!
i'm throwing myself a pitty party and you're invited

i'll start this post off w/ a pic i took of the rain on my sunroof, i just thought it looked so pretty.
and now let's ponder the question, why are boys stupid? there is no answer they just are.
i don't get it, i have sent emails to like 10 guys earlier this week on match/yahoo and not a single thing. wtf? no, serioulsy, WTF! i don't know if it's my profile text, something there that turns guys away? i thought it was fun and straight forward or is it just me, once they see my pic they're like hell no. i feel like all this weight i lost, all this working out is getting me nothing. i guess i just thought that once i was thin meeting guys would be easier, apparently i'm still not thin/cut enough to make it in the gay world.
i also wish i didn't have to rely on online dating so much, but it's not like i really want to hang out in weho every weekend and even when i do want to go i don't want to go by myself. thankfully vita twin, sven and jr will usually come. but still, i don't meet anyone. and every guy hits on or talks to sven, it's not fair, i can't compete w/ him. i hate feeling unattractive, working out, losing weight was supposed to make me feel better, not worse. so i've been cranky lately and i hate it and i don't know what to do to get outta the slump. if only i were straight, i can get girls to like, but that's probably only because i'm gay. ah lfe is a vicious and cruel joke.
and someone please tell me why i can't get stupid pdp out of my head, get out, GET OUT!
go go oh who cares.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
best. card. ever.
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