Tuesday, March 21, 2006

homo hoodlims

yes, so this weekend was not the great weekend i was hoping iot to be. ok fine, the date turned out to lead no where, no big thing. sat morn and afternoon were good, pilates and then lunch w/ mb and the evening started out well enough at the abbey we had drinks, we laughed. mb was there, said hi. made a new friend, we'll call her armani j, since she works at the armani on 3rd street. on our way to rage i even saw ck (the date from friday) and we said hi as well. it was all downhill after that. in part it is my fault, i had too much to drink, but i didn't expect one of my own people to steal my wallet and my phone. just when you think the world isn't such a bad place, you get smacked right upside the head. and of course there were lots of other things that happend that night that i don't remember, luckily vita twin and sven were looking after me to make sure i didn't do anything too crazy (because seriously i almost did some stupid shit). they also helped me home as i really wasn't in the greatest condition, not a proud night for me and we'll see if i ever drink again. so of course i made a few offerings to the porcelain god, but to top it off i got food poisoning so i couldn't even keep water down the next day... ugh. i canceled my atm card and credit card, had my phone shut off and ordered replacement cards so i could actually have money at some point (the asswipe got about 50 bucks as well). and just today i went and filled out all the stuff to get a new license which will now be here in 2-8 weeks (that's kinda a big gap don't you think). got a new cell phone and luckily i had written down all my phone numbers a couple weeks ago, phew! and now i need to go fill out a police report about my stolen license, it's just such a hassle while this person isn't worrying about anything. life lesson, don't be so trustfull of others. that and i hate myself for being as stupid as i was to drink that much. i am very disappointed in the banana. and in other ways it's good that i'e had this lesson so i am twice as careful from now on, just sucks that i had to go through it.

in other less depressing news (sorry for the downer, but life isn't all fun): pdp and i haven't spoken in about 2 weeks, but i just got an invite to his b-day party. i rsvp'd, but i really don't want to go to it alone because i need someone there to keep me in check around him. because for like the 3rd night in a row i've had a dream about him. let's just say it's a very enjoyable dream that's only making me set myself up for disaster. why is it that some people just get stuck in your head and won't get out? it would be fine if there was something going on between us, but there isn't so it's torture.

and of course my place is a mess and i get home and i just can't deal with it, gah. luckily tonight is tito's taco night along w/ the amazing race! woo! at least there's still tv (i love you tv).

go go welcomed to the real world banana


Follow the Frog said...

G, this too will pass.

Y. said...

Sorry G. =(

vitamin g said...

meh, it's life. i'm alreayd over it. i took care of the aftermath and i'm moving on, because i'm a strong black woman, just like kathy griffin! oh that's right, you guys didn't see kathy w/ me (we'll you'll understand if you catch the special on bravo) :) thanks for the support, it makes it better!