i took two days off of work, thurs and fri, and oh the things i saw this weekend.
thursday: headed down to my parents house as i was going to disneyland w/ my brother and sister the next day. and once i got to my parent's house is was a fly infestation. now, my parents have a very nice house and my mom is anally clean, so this was driving her insane. unfortunately for us, it was just the 3 of us at home to fend off the tiny invaders. we aren't sure where they came from, perhaps a recently received package had some fly eggs in it and the flies began hatching (do flies have eggs, they must right, i know they're maggots first, right?) anywho, we must have killed about 6 and when they wer all dead, after much hysterical screaming and gasping laughter we headed for dinner - at coco's. ah yes coco's land of the freaks and we were not dissapointed, the freak gods were smiling down upon us. we get to coco's and of course we have to wait, no reason, we just do, per usual. anyway we finally get led to our booth and we notice a group of about 8 women sitting at the table next to us, nowone of them had a baby and i know all babies are supposed to be adorable, but this one wasn't. as we sit down they are getting up and are just standing around the table, mind you, it's around 6pm so all the blue hairs are out in force eating their dinners before heading off to bed, so it was quite crowded. and the women continue to stand there... and all of the sudden it's turned into a semi prayer circle, now let me give a warning, i'm not religious so if i offend you, you've been warned and it's your own fault for continuing to read. so they begin a-prayin' and we can kind of hear what they are saying... apparently they are praying so that the grandmother can stand up... she is revealed after the prayer seminar breaks about 10 minutes later (they rattled on and on about crap i didn't care about) all while blocking every path the waitresses needed to use, howabout you have jesus teach you about manners and while he's at it he can "guide" you to a more suitable "prayer place" like anywhere away from me.) and she, she mog she stands! it's a friggin miracle. so once the jesus freaks leave i notice the woman sitting behind my sister, with the masterful mullet. it's pulled into a pony tail while the front is formed into, how can i describe this, a tiara. i am dubbing her queen of the mullets w/ her royal mullet style atop her head. the ladies w/ the ugly baby (shoulda prayed a little harder for a cute one) no gone also reveal one of the strangest t-shirts i have ever seen, tell me why you'd want to advertise this on your back:
crime scene cleaners
homicide, suicide
accidental deaths
how pleseant... how appetizing, thanks for sharing asswipe. then again, what can i expect i'm at coco's. on top of all this there is a blue hair convention going on in the back room where they are handing out awards at a record setting slow pace and when they finally leave, they all need separet checks...hell is coco's. oh and those baptizin' bitches left a four dollar tip, there were 8 of them (9 w/ granny can't walk) that's 50 cents each. so jesus failed to teach them proper dining ettiquette as well. jesus, what are you doing up there? and when we return home, we discover more flies have invaded our home and go about killing them all the while screaming like school girls... at least my sis has the excuse that she is a girl.
and so we move into friday: yay disneyland... and the freakshow continues (it seems jesus is answering my prayers) and this time i have pictures! thanks to my new digital camera. fashion don't one: i'm all for big is beautiful, but not in a camoflauge corset top... honey just cuz it's camo doesn't mean it's hiding anything. just say no to camo:

and because 1, it's late and 2, blogger.com is not letting me post images easily and is being a giant pain in the ass i am heading to bed, this freak show will be continued tomorrow... and yes, there's more!
go go freaky banana!
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