Tuesday, November 01, 2005

movin' on up!

so friday afternoon i was approved for the apartment! yay! i did my best to make it to the leasing office to pick up my keys and sign the paper work, but alas, with traffic i couldn't make it. luckily, the manger is super cool and said he'd meet me sunday morning (as i had the movers set-up for sunday afternoon!). of course, since i was completely exhausted (i had spent the night at m's on thursday so i was a bit tired...) i practically had a melt down in my car in traffic since i was literally going nowhere. it took me 2 hours to go from my apt in marina del rey to santa monica to the bank and then in making my way downtown all the further i got was pretty much back to my place by 6pm (the time the office closed. man traffic in la sucks (and not the good way).

so saturday i spent the day packing and throwing out so much of my stuff. kq came by and hauled away a ton of toys and my patio furniture (hope it looks good on your balcony!). the sunday i got up super early went and signed all the paper work and got my keys... of course the computers were down that morning so my key card wasn't going to work (great) luckily jr lives in the building and she totally helped me out that night with access (thanks jr, you rock i owe you big time!) the movers hsowed up around 3:50pm and finally had my stuff in the truck by 7 (they had to wrap all my furniture so it took forever). then they had to go get lunch... i wanted to be like, i haven't eaten all day so niether can you! but it gave us (vitatwin was helping all day pack up stuff, thankies!) time to get over to the building where jr and my parents were waiting outside the door to my new apartment. my parents are so great! they brought food and drinks and my new tv that they bought for me, a 32" flat screen hidef tv. it's a thing of beauty. so we unloaded some stuff and then the movers arrived and started unloading. luckily since i was like 8pm on a sunday downtown was pretty much deserted so they were able to park right in front of the building and take everything in. they were done around 10:45 so then my parents and sister (who had come to see my new place since she's at usc) headed for home. vitatwin and jr helped me unload a few more things and around 11pm we were done. man moving takes a lot out of you.

of course there were a few hiccups, did i forget to mention that i didn't have a fridge yet? they hadn't brought it back into the apartment and the toilet had no flusher, you had to reach into the tank and pull on the chain, classy! i was told all would be fixed by monday, along w/ my keycard (and it was). however, monday morning as i realized i needed to pull out my towels to shower i discovered that i must have accidentally thrown them away since i had bagged a whole bunch of stuff up in garbage bags, oops! so i had to dry off w/ the brawny man, which wasn't really all that bad. so monday i went to target to pick up some temporary towels to tide me over until i decide my bathroom colors, though i know i want blue and yellow (i didn't see any towels that were the right color at target so i got white). it is fun picking out all new stuff though, i got a really nice shower curtain, my mom bought me beautiful sheets and comforter (brown and blue, love it!) i am finding i hae oo much furniture though, not sure what t do w/ it all. i ned a new coffee table as mine is too big for my new livng room. i need a dining room table and chairs, a dresser as i have no drawers to put anything in. and i love taht i can pick out everything and not have to cnsider anyone elses' opinion haha!

i can't hold the party until i get tv and internet (which will all be installed on the 10th, is next week (november 13th- 19th) good for everyone? any particular days anyone would like to request?

i'm sure there's more, but i should probably get back to work (doing this at work since i have no internet at home...ugh)

will post about how amazing my new place is later!

go go banana up!


Follow the Frog said...

Hi G. I have class on Tuesdays and Thurssdays, so I am up for something on Monday the 14th or Wednesday the 16th.

Can't wait to see the new place!

Y. said...

Monday or Wednesday works for me too! I totally want to see the new TV, I'm now a Veronica Mars devotee (thanks Tivo!).