Tuesday, June 14, 2005

obsessed fan / go blogger / kuwait farted / sotw

so today i received my first demand for a blog, which rather than offend, insult or scare me into never logging into my account again, i was flattered. to think that someone is eagerly waiting for my new posts, sitting at their computer hitting refresh in hopes that it has been updated. longing to read about my entertaining day or television watching experience. so to you dear blog watcher i promise that i will update more often! unless of course i'm tired and would rather sleep.


i have to say this whole "blogging" thing has been a great experience. i feel like i have made so many new "friends." and while i may know them through a friend, i have never met them, but still enjoy reading about what is happening in their life and look forward to hearing their comments on mine. is that weird? i don't think so, but that's me, ever the optimist...

i still think i need to throw a blogger party and then we can actually meet, decide we like knowing each other online and continue are unique no human interaction friendship. no, i think we might actually have a good time. hmm, makes plans in head.

one of the things that makes it hard for me to sit down and type is realizing how slow i type and how many mistakes i make. i have this weird thing since people are reading this i don't want to look stupid w/ all kinds of spelling mistakes and typos. i think i just need to get over it, it's a blog not a novel, i've never been known for my writing skills... my writing 140 prof gave me c+, bitch, though my writing 340 teacher gave me an a- and it was 3 times as hard since it was for the usc business school, go me. and its not like me speak english proper in life that is real. i guess i just have high standards for myself, damn me for being an overachiever. why do i have to be so perfect?

however, lately i have done very little at work. a big part of that is i really need to take a couple of days off and recover from that huge couple of weeks, but now just isn't a good time (though will there ever be a good time?) luckily i haven't had to interact with kiss (my evil b'tard of a boss) too much lately. i did the other day and kiss gave me attitude so i gave it right back, i don't need crap from it (that's right it, kiss isn't human but evil incarnate sent to ruin any hope mankind has left), i am too good of an employee and too good at what i do for it to treat me like that. union! union! union! and now that i have channelled sally field, it's time to move onto the next thing.

so it turns out that ka and my blogger friends were at the same restaraunt as i and my friend jr on friday night, rcc. though they were there hours after i was. it was okay, it was an interesting night, as is the usaul case w/ jr and i. the food was ok, jr ordered popcorn chicken and i was informed later that it looked the same going in as it did coming out, what too much info? oh a little poop talk is nothing between friends. i decided that it is good in a drunken state and will need to try that in the future. plus, i was trying to stick to my weight watcher's points. so we chatted and ate, well picked at our food. i was i formed about how jr thought the lyrics bring me a higher love were bring me a puddle of mud, which i almost wet myself at, you had to be there i suppose. and on our way out jr wanted a smoke (a terrible habit i do not condone, stop using those death sticks!) before we got back into her car, and as we are standing their talking some guy comes out farts and walks back in. he made eye contact w/ us but was not deterred in releasing his gas upon us, in the eternal words of jodie sweetin (stephanie from full house, who, btw, i went to school with, she wasn't very nice), how rude. that is what a bathroom is for, c'mon it was just uneccessary, though it was an entertaining topic of conversation for jr and i. ah it's always an adventure w/ her. this story makes me think of kathy griffin (who i love!) and her: who farted? oh, kuwait did. allegedly.

veronica mars is also back on, yay! so be sure to watch the greatest show to ever air on tv. you'll hear me talking (though really reading my typed words) about it a lot and i cannot wait until it comes out on dvd (yet another party to plan, ooh maybe we can dress up as the characters and reinact our favorite scenes! i'm geek-gasiming just thinking about it). tuesday nights at 9pm on upn (i know, but trust me) for the west coast, otherwise, check your local listings for times and channel.

and now we come to that special time, the announcement of the sotw. and this week is a doozy. w/ over one thousand votes (on the last night of voting) from me and my family alone, comes american idol 2005 carrie underwood and her song inside your heaven. maybe it's the fact that i secretly long to be an american idol myself (though, i am already a blog idol and work idol and all around amazingly perfect human being idol) she does have a beautiful voice, and although i've never been a fan of country i may just have to buy her full album, due in fall 2005. and all of the sudden i have turned into my mother who has become a big country fan (and i have no idea where it came from). you can download her song from itunes, or purchase it from wherever music is sold (could o be more of an advertisement tonight, shallow capitalism, i love thee)

i hope you enjoyed tonight's blog! y'all come back now, y'here. (please ignore all spelling and grammatical errors as i am too lazy to go back and check, this blog entry is out of control long)

ananab og (that's right vita g:9 blog:0)


ka said...

G, the things that happen to you and J is so funny (remind her that she needs a blog)....the farter guy OMG....i think i would have died laughing!! what's funny is he was considerate enough to not fart in front of who he was with, but had no problem doing it in front of strangers (hopefully he was drunk). as far as the menu at RCC....though not ww friendly, i would stick to appetizers and milk shakes.

ML and Y agree that we need to have a little get together so everyone can meet...i think i am the only one who knows everyone.

vitamin g said...

your our blog liasion, liase damn it liase!! (i'm pretty sure liase isn't a word, but i'm using it anyway. and if websters wantes to put it in their dictionary then i get all the money. this is proof i made it up.

kq said...

Because I'm that great of a friend, I will try to ignore all the grammatical errors I see. I die a little inside each time you don't use spell check. Turn a blind eye, KQ, just turn a blind eye.

Y. said...

I'm glad someone finally demanded a post from you! My finger was getting sore from hitting the refresh button, but I felt like we needed to meet in person at least once before I start making demands. =)

And yes KA, start liasing! =)

5 By 5 said...

Don't forget, Veronica Mars is on tonight (Wednesday) at 9pm as it will be it's new night. I believe that is the day it switches to next week as well. The Pilot and tonights episode will also repeat Sunday the 19th and Sunday the 26th (repsectively) at 5.

The one of the things I love most about J is that the conversation always ends up being about poop.

And what is RCC? Why am I so out of the loop? No one loves me *sad face*

Follow the Frog said...

I was the demander...i'll admit it. Yesterday, I posted early and NO ONE in our little blog community was posting new things. It resorted in me demanding something of G. I apologize, but I had to do it.

vitamin g said...

no, your demand was justifed, i hadn't kept up my bloggerly duty (hehe i said duty) and it kicked me into doing, but at the same time made me feel special and wanted and all warm and fuzzy. just like in real life, in the blog world, everyone loves me :P

kq said...

Don't worry, ML, I also haggled G last night near midnight to "Blog already!!!" :)

Hey Vita-twin, welcome! Thanks for the clarification on VM, I was about to comment as well about that. RCC is a place close-ish to us. I haven't been either. We'll have to go one night after a fun Kathy G night!

Anonymous said...

Getting and staying in shape doesn’t have to be dull and boring! Try some of these fun definition of healthy lifestyle fitness activities to make your workout time more enjoyable.

MUSICAL EXERCIES – Put on your favorite music and do some yoga! No need for slow, elevator music. Move to your favorite beat. Or pop on the headphones or earphones and grab your MP3 or cassette player or handheld PC and bike to a nearby park. Too cold or rainy? Then head to a mall or other enclosed area where you can walk. Caution: make sure you are alert while listening to music with headphones or earphones.

FUN IN THE SUN – Check out the latest tanning solutions and try fun, scented versions with funky, multi-colored sunglasses. Grab your cassette player or MP3 player and favorite tunes. And pack some flavored water, new flavored health bar that you’ve been dying to try and some frozen berries in your carryall for breaks and have a “sense”-ational time.

FITNESS CLASSES – Try out a new fitness class for fun. Enjoy a full water aerobics workout with less stress on your joints. Grab some colorful water gear and swim to the beat. Or try a dance or Jazzercise routine. No need to commit long-term, just ask about popping in for a class or two to check it out and enjoy. Meet new friends and get fit all at once.

VCR / DVD – Head to the library or local rental store and grab a fun fitness video or DVD. Crank up the sound when your favorite tunes come on and join the taped workout participants in the privacy of your own home.

GYM / FITNESS CENTER – Dig out those coupons you’ve been receiving in envelop mailers and those money saving coupon magazines. Again, no need to commit long-term. Just head on over and use the free or low-cost trial / invitational period and enjoy!

JOURNALING – Spice up your logging routine with an inexpensive new journal from a discount or dollar store nearby. Crate snazzy charts with colored markers. Add bright colored stickers for each workout. Paste or tape clipped pictures of your goals throughout the covers and inside sections. For example, paste pictures of that vacation spot you want to travel to with your new, healthy YOU wearing a new swimsuit.

So add some fun in with your definition of healthy lifestyle fitness activities. Wake up your senses with new taste, smells, sights, touches and sounds. Forget that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” stuff. Workouts plus play make Jack a fun, fit boy! Finally check out what makes it fun **here**!

bathmate said...

As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
