Tuesday, June 07, 2005

summer clean

yesterday and today i spent most of the day cleaning my cubicle at work, man i have accumulated a lot of crap over the past year and a half. so it is time to purge. my cube currently looks as though it exploded, but i hope to have my new sparkly clean cube finished tomorrow.

it feels nice to be rid of so much old stuff.

and in other news i'm not having to work round the clock. this week will be my breather week as more work will be here soon, but at least i have a bit of a break to prepare myself.

and all of the hard work makes it all worth it when you see the finished product.

and to continue the theme of blank of the week i have a topic of the week:

why did lindsay lohan have to go and become a cracked out crazy? you're not britney hun, go back to the good girl we fell in love with, and for god's sake eat something, you're looking older than joan rivers.

and ka i totally thought of you when you're fav episode of will & grace was on last night, the one where jack is dating a guy who works at a coffee place and he is addicted to caffeine and talks super fast, great scene!


Anonymous said...

i saw that episode too...and thought of you when i saw it cuz we were just talking about it. it's the best intro scene EVER....it had me LOL. kind of made me want a ice bended mocha from coffee bean....but those are WAY too good to be WW friendly (gotta watch the points!)

i'll have to stop by the DC to check out your sparkley clean office. will i even be able to sit in the chair that you usually use to store your PP samples?

Y. said...

Amanda Bynes is way cooler then Lindsay Lohan anyways!

I am such a tweenie wannabe. =)

Glad things have slowed down for you!

vitamin g said...

OMG i love amanda bynes too!

she is really skinny though, but not crack crazy skinny like lindsay.

and thanks i finished cleaning my cube, so ka you can come on in and sit in my extra chair because it is empty! huh what who? i know! i can't believe it either.

i wonder if amanda will put out an album... you know i'll be in line to buy it!

Anonymous said...

but even though lindsay is a crack addict, I still like her better than hilary duff.

vitamin g said...

i'll take cracked out crazy lindsay over hillary duff (just typing her names annoys me) any day.